Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No-sew Recycled T Shirt skirt

I was busy in the shop, wearing blue jeans, with my pile of t's and the heat started getting to me. I came up with this great idea for a no-sew recycled skirt! A quick internet search reveals that, alas, I am not the first to think of this. I am still proud of myself and have pictures for a tutorial. Ready?

Supplies needed:
2 T shirts without side seams, one must be at least 2 inches wider than your hip measurement (Keep in mind that this is not suitable for a logo because the bottom up the skirt is up.)
scissors and/or rotary cutter and mat
safety pin

Lay out the T shirt, nice and flat. (I fold at the center front, because it is easier for me to cut straight this way)
Cut under the arms as neat and straight as you can
Cut a 2 inch strip from another T
Cut the strip.
Stretch it to form cord for the casing
Keep the center front of the T.
Cut through one layer of the hem in the front to form the casing.
Attach safety pin to cord.
Thread thru casing.
The one I made for me complete with dirty baby foot :)

This skirt is rather short, sewing ideas include:
adding length
a ruffle
a flounce
The possibilities are endless!

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