Friday, November 2, 2012

Book: Buckles and Bobbins: A Beginning Sewing Book for Boys

My 7 year old son and I are having trouble sewing together. He wants to make pencil thin rockets and I want him to make real things.  I think we have agreed to try this book, Buckles and Bobbins: A Beginning Sewing Book for Boys .  Then, I hope, he won't feel like I am stifling his creativity, plus he gets frustrated when the things he wants to do don't turn out like he imagines. I try to encourage a large rocket pillow, but he doesn't like my ideas! Hopefully this will give him a better idea about what is possible sewing and we can have fun together!


  1. My boys were interested in sewing when it was something they really wanted. Superhero capes or masks, video game character's hats. For one project they painted 8" tall spacemen and aliens figures on heavy cotton using acrylic paints and permenant markers. We cut them out leaving a seam allowance, sewed around the outside of the figure and stuffed them. They were weird looking and lumpy, but they loved them. I still have these stuffed figures.

  2. Mine are interested because they have seen so much. Thank you for your thoughts! I really like the painted pillow idea!
