I wasn't able to spend much time in the shop because of the new baby and the low temps. It feels so good to be able to go out and play again.
Sewing refreshes my spirit and calms my nerves. It gives me a sense of accomplishment as well as some extra income. I've got a lot to do. I have sorting and cleaning, my contest entry and lots of plans for denim.
In the meantime, I have been looking at my Alabama Chanin books. I made a cute boa! But alas not with hand sewing. I always change my mind at the last minute and opt for speed.
I also struggle with focus. I have much to do at home, and in spite of good advice early in my sewing career, have never managed to do just one thing. I write, I teach, I sew and on top of all my family responsibilities something gives. We must eat, but the house isn't always clean and the laundry gets done when we are out of everything! I am blessed to have an understanding husband and so many great opportunities. The examiner.com page gives me the opportunity to meet many interesting people. While I'm not really shy, I am a little insecure and have been surprised by the very positive response I receive when I use the title to help with an introduction.
I still like to sew for others when I can. It has to be someone I've known for a while because my family keeps me from meeting too sharp of deadlines now, but I still love the pre cut out repetition! Thanks for stopping by :) time to make dinner!