90% Faster Than Rotary Cutters

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week #2

I love my farm share!

week #2

Words from the farm........
"As I mentioned above still a light week. Honestly that's not anything new for the beginning of the season. I do think that you will see an increase starting next week. Things are looking good, we needed some rain (getting some now!) and with the heat things are growing. The early heat has been hard of some of the early crops-the greens and lettuce really prefer temps in the 70's this 80 degree weather isn't what it prefers, but we are trying to keep the crop irragated to make it happy.

So this week you got some more lettuce-there was some red leaf,some romaine, and some butterhead harvested. If you ended up with a romaine that has spots on the leaves-please do not think it is bad. It's a type or red romaine called freckles and the spots are supposed to be there :)

It really was not in my plan to give you 2 bags of lettuce in these smaller shares, but I had no other green that was ready to harvest for you yesterday. It is important for me to give you what I have-and I have lettuce-SO lots of salads this week!

Garlic scapes & fresh garlic :)

Bunching Onions

Roma Tomatoes


week #2

I did not get garlic. I got peas!
We had delicious salads for dinner. I was too hungry to get a pic ;) Maybe next time.......

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Book Review: The Mary Frances Sewing Book by Jane Eayre Fryer

mary frances sewing book

Have you seen this book? I think it is a treat! Originally published in 1913, it takes a young girl through sewing lessons with the help of the thimble people, a sewing bird and other new friends. It comes with 16" doll sized patterns to copy and make too.

mary frances sewing book

It has several glossy color pages and the table of contents includes topics like, I. Sewing Bird, II. Sewing Bird Begins to Teach and XIV. A Loan From the Thimble King. There are 33 Patterns included. From a Doll's Laundry Bag, to Doll's Lawn Petticoat, to a Girl's Collar. Instructions for How to Outfit a Work Basket, a Canvas Sampler and 44 others.

mary frances sewing book

I dug mine out again because a friend has an 11 year old daughter who loves books and is interested in sewing. I gave her some sewing supplies, a Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing book and fabric last summer and she was happy and busy making a chair cover. I was pleased and impressed! She did a wonderful job!

I bought the book when it was re-published in 1997, I had been searching for it on auction sites. I'm not ready to part with mine, but I am going to see if she would like to borrow my copy for the summer. I still harbor dreams of a little girl of my own who might someday like to go on an adventure among the thimble people! :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stuff That Needs Doin'

I've been cleaning up my workspace this week. I'm also trying to get an out building ready for use. I have a 5' by 10' table I built out there five years ago for a job I was working on. The stuff I need to do is going to be spread out on the table. It is a bunch of fabric "scraps" from a woman I work for who dyes silk. I make scarves and shawls out of yardage leftovers from other clothing. The pieces I have are left from many previous projects and a work load all its own. I have been procrastinating because it is so much work sorting, but it needs doin' and I have finally made the space.

Three bins full! Thats my Juki, it is set at a 3 thread, I do this work all rolled hem. I have two of these machines, and I love them, but thats a topic I need to do in another blog post...

work to do

I also dragged out my Rowenta that I got as part of my PFF challenge in 2008. Its no Gravity Feed and I prefer the one I have in my other workroom, but its a nice portable iron for my needs right now.
iron from PFF challenge 2008

It will feel like a major accomplishment to get this work finished and send back the leftovers!

Incidentally, if I plan to enter the contest again this year I had better get my act together! The deadline is July 1st!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week #1

We started our Organic farm share this week! I'm so excited I'm sharing here:)

The box:
week #1
We got a full share so its 2 boxes:
week #1

We also get an email telling us what our share contains:
"We did end up with some nice mini purplette bunchining onion. Some garlic scapes (see link for recipes), some Kale in the bunch. It may not be the type of kale you are used to seeing. I picked heirloom varieties yesterday. Kale is the new hot green this season. It's super good for you. It can be used in your smoothie, in a salad or it can be cooked like any green-treat just like you would spinach or chard. Lettuce we harvested some butterhead & romaine for you. If you ended up with a speckled romaine that's the way it's supposed to be. It's a red romaine called "freckles" the spots are meant to be there-it's not bad lol! Danny grabbed the radishes for you and then spent the rest of the day planting more seeds so that you will see your shares grow!" Plus we got 2 pints of fresh strawberries, YUM!!

My breakfast, our own farm fresh eggs with garlic scapes. Guess what I'm having tomorrow??
week #1

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Interesting Question

I use blogpatrol.com to track visitors and popular topics to my blog. It is free and I find it very useful. Tonight I see that someone found my blog by searching for "sewing machine used by Christine Jonson". I happen to know that answer, and it is not already written here in the posts.

Christine uses a (*drum roll please*) Pfaff 1222 E! I looked here for a picture of hers, but the one that shows up is not the original one. She has a beautiful all metal body 1222 E. She does have another that looks like these, but she bought it later as an extra shop machine.

An important feature is the dual feed. I was sold on it after using Christine's machine and I couldn't find a used 1222 E or another used Pfaff at that time (I think it was about 1995). It was before the internet became so useful! I bought a new one. It was the cheapest Pfaff I could get at the time with dual feed. And I suspect the shopkeeper gave me a deal. I paid $600.00, it was worth every penny and was the most I could afford at the time. I still have it accessible, have used it very heavily (it has a thread mark!) and it still runs like a dream. It handles all types of fabrics expertly. I just used it this week because my industrial Pfaff 563 wouldn't sew vinyl.

My Pfaff Varimatic 6091.
Pfaff Varimatic 6091

Holy cats! You can still get one!

I encourage anyone who has a similar question for Christine to ask her! I'm sure she would answer your questions in good spirit :)

edit November 28,2013**The Pfaff 6091 doesn't seem to be available anymore at the link (I recommend stalking your local craigslist.org, they do show up from time to time in excellent condition, be sure it has the dual feed), but here is a link to bobbins for the older Pfaff models Pfaff 93-040970-45, PD60 9033P Pack of 25 Empty Plastic Rotary Bobbins 130-362 808-955 1006-1475 2010-2040 6085-7570+ later Sewing Embroidery Machines

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tutorial: Make a Bookcover

Our Vacation Bible School this year is decorating bookcovers as a craft. I was asked to help make them. I decided to post a tutorial here because of a cute gift my cousin gave me for Christmas. The Sewing: 2010 Day-to-Day Calendar. It has great crafty ideas for people just starting to sew or looking for fast fun projects. I've even got a couple pages saved to try out :)

The book I was given to fit is The Catholic Youth Bible. Now I know there are more accurate ways to do this, but this is how I make a fast cover.

First I draw a straight line on a large piece of Kraft Paper with a ruler. This is the bottom.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Then I mark the size of the front.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
The spine.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
The Back.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Then the front.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
And back again.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Then I added 1/2" seam allowance to the bottom (I wasn't the only one sewing these and the ladies said they would be most comfortable with that seam allowance)
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
And the top, plus 1/4" for ease. If it had been hard cover I would have added 1/2" for ease.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
This is the center back piece, it is one front, notice the seam allowances and ease added the same as the cover piece.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Next I removed 1" from both sides of the pattern. I only have a picture of it taken from the left side. It needs to come off the right side too. This makes room on the inside of the book cover for the spine.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
The fold line is the first line on both sides. See it marked 4 pictures up :)

I made a pattern on taped together Manilla File Folders , and its a good thing, because we made 200! Any other paper would have been totally trashed. This was used well as it is! I notched the fold lines and the center back. Plus the center of the back piece.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
The covers are made from a nice heavy weight muslin from Joann's with the use of the 40% off coupon that comes in the mailers.
I used my trusty Juki overlock to neatly finish the side edges of the cover and the center back piece. I did all 200!
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Folded at the notches. The notches were all marked with pen in the seam allowance.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
We used Ribbon to add 2 bookmarks at the center notch.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
After both sides are folded back at the notches, the center piece is added, over the bookmark, matching center notches.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Ready to sew. Make sure the bookmarks go off to the side, you only want to catch them in the top, not the bottom.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
I used a Pfaff mine is a 563.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
I went back and made a double set of stitches at the bookmark.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Turn the center piece first. (The overlock stitch quality is poor because I was lazy and I did not change the needle!)
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Then the sides. I did not clip the corners. I wanted to fill in the corners.
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Isn't she lovely?
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover
Tutorial: Make a Bookcover

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I may be asking for trouble

But I really can't help myself. I'm trying something weird again. I signed up for a 2'X 3' space at Countryside Craft Mall in Sterling Heights, MI. Some reviews here.

craft mall booth

It is a small space, and I need to add some signs and maybe something to help catch the eye. I'll work on it. I stopped in as a spur of the moment kind of thing on April 30 and went in on May 1 to set up my bags and sign the lease. I got a deal on the space because none of the smallest spaces were available.

craft mall booth

I'm gonna try it. It will end up costing a little more than my ill fated show, but I did sell 2 bags there. I like this venue because, much like etsy, it doesn't require my presence. And it allows customers to see the bags in person, which I think is a huge benefit. I'm going to give it 6 months. Hopefully it will be worth it! I'll keep you posted.