90% Faster Than Rotary Cutters

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Long Winter

 It was a long winter here in Michigan and elsewhere. And in spite of the 80 degree temps yesterday, we are back into the 50's today.
I wasn't able to spend much time in the shop because of the new baby and the low temps. It feels so good to be able to go out and play again.
Sewing refreshes my spirit and calms my nerves. It gives me a sense of accomplishment as well as some extra income.  I've got a lot to do. I have sorting and cleaning, my contest entry and lots of plans for denim.

In the meantime, I have been looking at my Alabama Chanin books. I made a cute boa! But alas not with hand sewing. I always change my mind at the last minute and opt for speed.

I also struggle with focus. I have much to do at home, and in spite of good advice early in my sewing career, have never managed to do just one thing. I write, I teach, I sew and on top of all my family responsibilities something gives. We must eat, but the house isn't always clean and the laundry gets done when we are out of everything! I am blessed to have an understanding husband and so many great opportunities. The examiner.com page gives me the opportunity to meet many interesting people. While I'm not really shy, I am a little insecure and have been surprised by the very positive response I receive when I use the title to help with an introduction.

I still like to sew for others when I can. It has to be someone I've known for a while because my family keeps me from meeting too sharp of deadlines now, but I still love the pre cut out repetition! Thanks for stopping by :) time to make dinner!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Burda Style in English!

I filled out an online form for a free trial of the new Burda Style Magazine in English. Just got my copy yesterday. Yippee! So many patterns and instructions and pdf downloads with instructions and information. I'm so excited about the Magazine. I tried it before in German, but its not quite the same. I need to narrow down my choices and make something for myself!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Angela's April Wardrobe Challenge

Have you been keeping up? I'm hoping to do some serging for the April Challenge.

 Love my overlocks. I have 4 home plus 2 industrial Artisans right now. The Juki's are my baby's, I got a lovely BabyLock in 2008 when I placed 2nd in PFF, and I have a New Home that I loaned out and it got trashed :(. I'm going to take it in and see if its repairable when I have extra cash. It would be nice to have one I can let kids try out for lessons.
By the way did you know that VHS shelves from defunct video stores are the perfect size for most commercial patterns?

Visit my examiner.com page for more info about the contest.

Dress Alteration

I'm always doing something. It is difficult to get it all posted here. I am making an effort :), but my pictures are a bit lazy.

I re did the waist and hem decoration on a First Communion dress for a friend's daughter. I am reminded of how much I dislike alterations. I would rather make it from scratch than alter. But it turned out good anyway.

 Had to pick the waistline apart, redo the zipper and do the hemming detail. Not difficult, I enjoy sewing when I'm doing, but I procrastinated on this because I just do that with alterations.

Its supposed to be 66'F today! Yippee!

Monday, April 7, 2014

My inspiration for the 1/2 Scale Challenge

 I have entered the 1/2 scale challenge for the 2014 American Sewing Expo in Novi, Michigan.
All images from Alabama Chanin and Natalie Chanin books

I fought it. I really did. But the truth is I find Natalie Chanin very inspirational right now. I was machine sewing letters on T shirts in 2012 and she has catapulted me forward with her embroidery and strained my brain with the thought of hand sewing EVERYTHING. 

After listening to Joi's class that comes with this American Sewing Expo contest, I threw together this board. I even tried to sketch. I'm not yet convinced that I can learn to sketch, but it has helped a lot to arrange my thoughts. I usually just think about it and it morphs while I'm doing. Now its solidifying in a different way. I don't think I'll do the whole thing by hand, but I'm considering doing beading (yikes!). 

I will be using upcycled denim and T shirts. I took Natalie's Online Sewing Class and will be using what I have learned there and in her books

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Recycled denim backpack and Playing with my embroidery machine

I've been thinking about making a denim backpack, this is one style.
 I have another one in my head too, unfortunately I don't sketch.

I've also been playing with my embroidery machine. I would like to make interesting labels. I need to learn a little bit more about how to customize it. I can't wait till my kids are old enough to help me figure it out!
 I'll try to keep posting my progress.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Angela Wolf's March 2014 Wardrobe Challenge

I kinda dropped the ball on the February Challenge. I got busy with trees and couldn't keep up! I still have a shirred refashion that I plan on doing, we'll see if I can get it on here. If you read lots of blogs be sure to thank constant writers! Its hard to stop and take pics and write down while you are doing.

The March Challenge is sewing Designer Jeans!

promotional photo by http://fashionsewingwithangelawolf.com/

Same as last month, use Pinterest for inspiration, Flickr to share your hard work. Lots of great prizes.

Sew with Angela in her online class, Sewing Designer Jeans. 

Please share and comment at my Detroit Sewing Examiner page!