90% Faster Than Rotary Cutters

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lots of fun at Swap-O-Rama-Rama!

I had a great time at the SORR booth at the Green Street Fair. As always it was fun to be around others who were interested in sewing. I took a picture of the booth at the beginning of the day and promptly forgot about my camera. Sigh... I hate when I do that...

Anyway here is how it looked before the fair officially opened:
Swap o rama rama booth at the Green Street fair

There were half a dozen sewing stations and a bin of reusables on both ends. The machines are the Singer 3116 Simple Sewing Machine

Singer 3116 Simple 16-Stitch Sewing Machine, 1 Step Buttonhole - Factory Serviced

I really have mixed feeling about them. On the one hand, they are a reasonably priced, lightweight, multi function sewing machine and operate at a slow speed. I think it would be a good machine for a young person just beginning to take an interest in sewing, especially if you weren't sure that the interest would continue. On the other hand, they had some trouble with multiple thicknesses and their lightness could become a problem quickly if the interest did proceed quickly. They would be good mostly for quilting fabrics or other lightweight materials. And larger projects could be a problem because they might drag on the machine. So you see my indecision...

I still enjoyed myself. I spent about 4 hours in the tent. I helped to make a shawl, turban and some tote bags. I hope to have another opportunity. I'll keep you posted on local swaps as I find out about them. I'd love to have a permanent swap with a huge pile of recyclables, sewing machines and interested stitchers!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Wouldn't a permanent swap be incredible to have in our area? I'd love to have one!

Thanks so much for all of your help with the Swap-O-Rama-Rama! We loved having you there with us, and so many people learned so much from you! Hope to see you again soon!